Title: Chocolates Fandom: The Originals Characters: Hayley Marshall, Rebekah Mikaelson Pairing: Hayley/Rebekah Rating: G Word count: 150 A/N: General season one spoilers. Written for the 'chocolate' square at 1_million_wordsFebruary Bingo. Also on AO3. Summary: Rebekah gets Hayley a Valentine's gift.
For challenge 42 at gameofcards I created nine picspams for the television show The Originals. Spoilers up through episode 2.10 "Gonna Set Your Flag on Fire."
I've completed my eleventh card for challenge 1 at lands_of_magic. Below is a Cami/Davina (The Originals) fan fic, a Rebekah Mikaelson (The Originals) picspam, and a Bella Swan (The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn) picspam.
I've finished my tenth card for challenge 1 at lands_of_magic. Below is a Hayden/Tracy (Teen Wolf) fan fic, a Rebekah Mikaelson (The Originals/The Vampire Diaries) picspam, and a Hayley/Rebekah (The Originals) fan fic.
I've finished a ninth card for challenge 1 at lands_of_magic. Below are three Ariel (Once Upon a Time) sig tags, a Rebekah Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries/The Originals) picspam, and a Katherine/Rebekah (The Vampire Diaries) fan fic.
I've done an eighth card for challenge 1 at lands_of_magic. Below is a Once Upon a Time picspam (Cruella, Maleficent, and Ursula), a Vampire Diaries picspam (Rebekah Mikaelson), and a Carmilla fan fic (Carmilla/Laura).
I've done a seventh card for challenge 1 at lands_of_magic. Below are two Teen Wolf fan fics (one Allison/Lydia and one Cora/Erica) and one Rebekah Mikaelson picspam.
Title: Metaphor for Life Fandom: The Originals Characters: Davina Claire, Rebekah Mikaelson Pairing: Davina/Rebekah Rating: G Word count: 200 A/N: Takes place sometime between "They All Asked for You" and "Fire with Fire," with spoilers up through the former. Written for challenge 17 at lands_of_magic. Also on AO3. Summary: Davina helps Rebekah with her magic.